Hospital Services

Electronic Management in a Hospital or a Nursing Home would require a very precise IT system which must result into cost cutting and efficient management. ILAKSHYA TOTAL SOLUTION has developed the Hospital Management System or H.M.S product which is accurate in its approach to suit different environments including large, medium or small sites. The management software provides all process management tools elements of modelling, analysis and simulation to streamline all administrative tasks in the hospital right from the registration of the patient to post discharge correspondence with the patient.

The Hospital Management Software is state of the art administration management tool that can be utilised to improve the quality and management of clinical and health care in a Hospital. H.M.S ensures noncore services such as documentation and record management is managed in a systematic manner without additional increase in manpower resources or costs. These non-core processes have a substantial effect on the overall productivity of the Hospital operations.


  • Health care
  • Billing management
  • Pateint bed vacant status
  • Information of Pateint History
  • Seamless communication
  • Highly flexible
  • complete reports
  • zero data redancy
  • Highly secure
  • User friendly
  • multi tasking
  • Less inventory costs
  • Pharmacy details in one click
  • Out patient support


  • Enquiry Management System

    Enquiry Management System

    Enquiry details on various parameter viz .publicity source course type city area and period. Past follow-up details and follow-up schedules. Graphical/periodical business and counselor analysis.

  • Enquiry Management System

    Internet Data Transfer

    Internet data transfer (Easy date shipping and synchronization For multi-location clients one point information from all branches Export of student /marks data to internet for display on website.

  • Enquiry Management System

    Mess/Canteen Management System

    Block/Room wise accupacy and vacency status and detailed information of hostelers including there accounts.

  • Enquiry Management System

    Transport Management System

    Reports acccording to bus/routes/stops and student using this service; maintance shedule for a bus, routs and related accounts.

  • Enquiry Management System

    Electronic ID Cards

    It is very important that the person must have identity card because it contains important information about the card holder. So lakshya present contact less electronic card with some different memory sizes used for high security application.

  • Enquiry Management System

    Attendance Management System

    It is very economical option which record of incoming and outgoing time of employees in the smartest way.Its related software calculates daily/weekly/monthly presence of an employee upto minutes level,late arrival/early departure and OT calculation etc.